makeExtendSchemaPlugin (graphile-utils)

NOTE: this documentation applies to PostGraphile v4.1.0+

The graphile-utils module contains some helpers for extending your PostGraphile (or Graphile Engine) GraphQL schema without having to understand the complex plugin system.

The main one you'll care about to start with is makeExtendSchemaPlugin.

Using makeExtendSchemaPlugin you can write a plugin that will merge additional GraphQL types and resolvers into your schema using a similar syntax to graphql-tools. You need to provide the typeDefs schema definition and resolvers function to use. Your plugin will likely take a shape like this:

const { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql } = require("graphile-utils");

const MyPlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin(build => {
  // Get any helpers we need from `build`
  const { pgSql: sql, inflection } = build;

  return {
    typeDefs: gql`...`,
    resolvers: {

module.exports = MyPlugin;

And would be added to your PostGraphile instance via

  • CLI: --append-plugins `pwd`/MySchemaExtensionPlugin.js
  • Library: appendPlugins: [require('./MySchemaExtensionPlugin')]

The build argument to the makeExtendSchemaPlugin callback contains lots of information and helpers defined by various plugins, most importantly it includes the introspection results (build.pgIntrospectionResultsByKind), inflection functions (build.inflection), and SQL helper (build.pgSql, which is an instance of pg-sql2).

The callback should return an object with two keys:

  • typeDefs: a GraphQL AST generated with the gql helper from graphile-utils (note this is NOT from the graphql-tag library, ours works in a slightly different way).
  • resolvers: an object that's keyed by the GraphQL type names of types defined (or extended) in typeDefs, the values of which are objects keyed by the field names with values that are resolver functions.

For a larger example of how typeDefs and resolvers work, have a look at the graphql-tools docs - ours work in a similar way.

Note that the resolve functions defined in resolvers will be sent the standard 4 GraphQL resolve arguments (parent, args, context, resolveInfo); but the 4th argument (resolveInfo) will also contain graphile-specific helpers.

The gql and embed helpers

The gql helper is responsible for turning the human-readable GraphQL schema language you write into an abstract syntax tree (AST) that the application can understand. Our gql help differs slightly from the one you may be familiar with in the graphql-tag npm module, namely in how the placeholders work. Ours is designed to work with PostGraphile's inflection system, so you can embed strings directly. You may also embed other gql tags directly. For example:

const nameOfType = "MyType"; // Or use the inflection system to generate a type

// This tag interpolates the string `nameOfType` to allow dynamic naming of the
// type.
const Type = gql`
  type ${nameOfType} {
    str: String
    int: Int

// This tag interpolates the entire definition in `Type` above.
const typeDefs = gql`

  extend type Query {
    fieldName: Type

The embed helper is for use with gql when you want to embed a raw JavaScript value (anything: regexp, function, string, object, etc) into the document; for example to pass it to a directive. We use this with the @pgQuery directive further down this page. Here's a simple example of embedding an object.

const meta = {
  /* arbitrary data */
  name: "fieldName",
  added: "2019-04-29T16:15:00Z",
const typeDefs = gql`
  extend type Query {
    fieldName: Int @scope(meta: ${embed(fieldNameMeta)})

Querying the database inside a resolver

PostGraphile provisions, sets up and tears down a PostgreSQL client automatically for each GraphQL query. Setup involves beginning a transaction and setting the relevant session variables, e.g. using your JWT or the pgSettings function. You can access this client on context.pgClient; it's currently an instance of pg.Client from the pg module; however you should only use it like this to maintain future compatibility:

const { rows } = await context.pgClient.query(
  sqlText, // e.g. "select * from users where id = $1"
  optionalVariables // e.g. [27]

NOTE: context is the third argument passed to a GraphQL resolver (function myResolver(parentObject, args, context, info) { /* ... */ }).

Since you're already in a transaction, issuing BEGIN; or COMMIT; inside your resolver is a Really Bad Idea™. Should you need a sub-transaction, use a SAVEPOINT. However, please be aware that PostGraphile only sets up a transaction when it needs to (e.g. when it's a mutation, or when there are config variables or a role to set); so you cannot rely on SAVEPOINT working inside of queries unless you know these conditions are met.

Because the entire GraphQL operation is executed within a single transaction, be very wary that you don't cause an SQL error which causes the entire transaction to fail. This could leave things in a very odd state - particularly for mutations - e.g. where you return a partial success to the user, but actually roll back the results. It's recommended that all mutations are wrapped in SAVEPOINT / RELEASE SAVEPOINT / ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT calls.

When your resolver returns results that will be used by autogenerated types and fields, you must not return query results such as these directly. Instead use the selectGraphQLResultFromTable helper documented below. The results of your pgClient.query should be used within the resolver only, and should not "leak" (in general).

Reading database column values

When extending a schema, it's often because you want to expose data from Node.js that would be too difficult (or impossible) to access from PostgreSQL. When defining a field on an existing table-backed type defined by PostGraphile, it's useful to access data from the underlying table in the resolver.

To do this you can use the @requires(columns: […]) field directive to declare the data dependencies of your resolver. This guarantees that when the resolver is executed, the data is immediately available.

Here's an example to illustrate.

In the database you have a product table (imagine an online store), that PostGraphile will include in the GraphQL schema by creating a type Product with fields id, name, price_in_us_cents.

create table product (
  id uuid primary key,
  name text not null,
  price_in_us_cents integer not null

This may result in the following GraphQL type:

type Product {
  id: UUID!
  name: String!
  priceInUsCents: Int!

However imagine you're selling internationally, and you want to expose the price in other currencies directly from the Product type itself. This kind of functionality is well suited to being performed in Node.js (e.g. by making a REST call to a foreign exchange service over the internet) but might be a struggle from with PostgreSQL.

const { postgraphile } = require("postgraphile");
const { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql } = require("graphile-utils");const express = require("express");
const { convertUsdToAud } = require("ficticious-npm-library");
const MyForeignExchangePlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin(build => {  return {    typeDefs: gql`      extend type Product {        priceInAuCents: Int! @requires(columns: ["price_in_us_cents"])      }    `,    resolvers: {      Product: {        priceInAuCents: async product => {          // Note that the columns are converted to fields, so the case changes          // from `price_in_us_cents` to `priceInUsCents`          const { priceInUsCents } = product;          return await convertUsdToAud(priceInUsCents);        },      },    },  };});const app = express();
  postgraphile(process.env.DATABASE_URL, ["app_public"], {
    graphiql: true,
    appendPlugins: [MyForeignExchangePlugin],  })

The selectGraphQLResultFromTable helper

IMPORTANT: this helper is for populating data you return from your *resolver; you should not use selectGraphQLResultFromTable to retrieve data for your resolver to process. Instead use context.pgClient directly.

IMPORTANT: selectGraphQLResultFromTable should only be called once per resolver; it doesn't make sense to call it multiple times, and attempting to combine the results is liable to cause issues. If you feel the need to call it multiple times, please read the IMPORTANT note above, and/or consider implementing your requirement via multiple fields/resolvers rather than trying to do it all in one.

Resolvers are passed 4 arguments: parent, args, context, resolveInfo. In the context.pgClient is an instance of a database client from the pg module that's already in a transaction configured with the settings for this particular GraphQL request. You can use this client to make requests to the database within this transaction.

However, because PostGraphile uses Graphile Engine's look-ahead features, you will not be able to easily build a query that will return the data PostGraphile requires to represent nested relations/etc using pgClient directly. That is why resolveInfo.graphile.selectGraphQLResultFromTable exists.

The resolveInfo.graphile.selectGraphQLResultFromTable function is vital if you want to return PostGraphile database table/view/function/etc-related types from your GraphQL field. It is responsible for hooking into the query look-ahead features of Graphile Engine to inspect the incoming GraphQL query and pull down the relevant data from the database (including nested relations). You are then expected to return the result of this fetch via your resolver. You can use the queryBuilder object to customize the generated query, changing the order, adding where clauses, limits, etc (see below). Note that if you are not returning a record type directly (for example you're returning a mutation payload, or a connection interface), you should use the @pgField directive as shown below so that the Look Ahead feature continues to work.

Usage for non-tables

Despite the (unfortunate) name; selectGraphQLResultFromTable can be used with any table-like source, including a table-defining sub-query, however it should only be used where the type perfectly matches the expected return type of the GraphQL field.

This non-table support is particularly useful when it comes to calling functions; for example if you had a function match_user() that returns a users record, you could define a makeExtendSchemaPlugin resolver that queries it like this:

// type Query { matchingUser(searchText: String!): User }
const matchingUserResolver = async (parent, args, context, resolveInfo) => {
  const [row] = await resolveInfo.graphile.selectGraphQLResultFromTable(
    sql.fragment`(select * from match_user(${sql.value(args.searchText)}))`,
    () => {} // no-op
  return row;


queryBuilder is an instance of QueryBuilder, a helper that uses an SQL AST constructed via pg-sql2 methods to dynamically create powerful SQL queries without risking SQL injection attacks. The queryBuilder has a number of methods which affect the query which will be generated. The main ones you're likely to want are:

  • where(sqlFragment); e.g. queryBuilder.where(build.pgSql.fragment`is_admin is true`)
  • orderBy(() => sqlFragment, ascending); e.g. queryBuilder.orderBy(() => build.pgSql.fragment`created_at`, false)
  • limit(number); e.g. queryBuilder.limit(1)
  • offset(number); e.g. queryBuilder.offset(1)
  • select(() => sqlFragment, alias); e.g. => build.pgSql.fragment`gen_random_uuid()`, '__my_random_uuid') - it's advised to start your alias with two underscores to prevent it clashing with any potential columns exposed as GraphQL fields.

On top of these methods, QueryBuilder has the following useful properties:

  • parentQueryBuilder: gives access to the parent QueryBuilder instance; primarily (and possibly only) useful for executing queryBuilder.parentQueryBuilder.getTableAlias() so you can reference a field on the parent record (e.g. to perform filtering based on a relation).

There are many other internal properties and methods, but you probably shouldn't call them. Only rely on the methods and properties documented above.

QueryBuilder named children

In very rare circumstances you might also need to use the following methods:

  • buildChild(); builds a child query builder, automatically passing through the relevant options and setting parentQueryBuilder for you - useful for constructing subqueries (normally you'd use build.pgQueryFromResolveData rather than using the buildChild method directly)
  • buildNamedChildSelecting(name, from, selectExpression); creates a child query builder that's named name, selecting only selectExpression using the table (or subquery) described in from.
  • getNamedChild(name); gets the named child created by buildNamedChildSelecting

An example of these methods being used can be found here:

In this example we have a many-to-many relationship with three tables: toys, categories and the join table between them: toy_categories. We add a categories field onto the Toy type, which constructs a subquery called toyCategoriesSubquery to determine the categories the current toy is in from the join table toy_categories. Later, in a different plugin (just a different hook in this example), we want to be able to filter this list of categories to only the list of categories where the join table's toy_categories.approved field is true; to do so we need to be able to get access to this "named" subquery so that we can add conditions to it's WHERE clause.

In most cases you're only dealing with one or two tables so you won't need this level of complexity.

Query Example

The below is a simple example which would have been better served by Custom Query SQL Procedures; however it demonstrates using makeExtendSchemaPlugin with a database record, table connection, and list of database records.

You can also use this system to define mutations or to call out to external services — see below.

const { postgraphile } = require("postgraphile");
const { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql } = require("graphile-utils");
const express = require("express");

const app = express();

const MyRandomUserPlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin(build => {
  const { pgSql: sql } = build;
  return {
    typeDefs: gql`
      extend type Query {
        # Individual record
        randomUser: User

        # Connection record
        randomUsersConnection: UsersConnection

        # List record
        randomUsersList: [User!]
    resolvers: {
      Query: {
         * Individual record needs to return just one row but
         * `selectGraphQLResultFromTable` always returns an array; so the
         * resolver is responsible for turning the array into a single record.
        randomUser: async (_query, args, context, resolveInfo) => {
          // Remember: resolveInfo.graphile.selectGraphQLResultFromTable is where the PostGraphile
          // look-ahead magic happens!
          const rows = await resolveInfo.graphile.selectGraphQLResultFromTable(
            (tableAlias, queryBuilder) => {
          return rows[0];

         * Connection and list resolvers are identical; PostGraphile handles
         * the complexities for you. We've simplified these down to a direct
         * call to `selectGraphQLResultFromTable` but you may wish to wrap this
         * with additional logic.
        randomUsersConnection: (_query, args, context, resolveInfo) =>
            (tableAlias, queryBuilder) => {
        randomUsersList: (_query, args, context, resolveInfo) =>
            (tableAlias, queryBuilder) => {

  postgraphile(process.env.DATABASE_URL, ["app_public"], {
    graphiql: true,
    appendPlugins: [MyRandomUserPlugin],

Mutation Example

For example, you might want to add a custom registerUser mutation which inserts the new user into the database and also sends them an email:

const MyRegisterUserMutationPlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin(build => {
  const { pgSql: sql } = build;
  return {
    typeDefs: gql`
      input RegisterUserInput {
        name: String!
        email: String!
        bio: String

      type RegisterUserPayload {
        user: User @pgField
        query: Query

      extend type Mutation {
        registerUser(input: RegisterUserInput!): RegisterUserPayload      }
    resolvers: {
      Mutation: {
        registerUser: async (_query, args, context, resolveInfo) => {
          const { pgClient } = context;          // Start a sub-transaction          await pgClient.query("SAVEPOINT graphql_mutation");          try {            // Our custom logic to register the user:            const {              rows: [user],            } = await pgClient.query(              `INSERT INTO app_public.users(                name, email, bio              ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)              RETURNING *`,              [,,]            );            // Now we fetch the result that the GraphQL            // client requested, using the new user            // account as the source of the data. You            // should always use            // `resolveInfo.graphile.selectGraphQLResultFromTable` if you return database            // data from your custom field.            const [              row,            ] = await resolveInfo.graphile.selectGraphQLResultFromTable(              sql.fragment`app_public.users`,              (tableAlias, queryBuilder) => {                queryBuilder.where(                  sql.fragment`${tableAlias}.id = ${sql.value(}`                );              }            );            // Finally we send the email. If this            // fails then we'll catch the error            // and roll back the transaction, and            // it will be as if the user never            // registered            await mockSendEmail(    ,              "Welcome to my site",              `You're user ${} - thanks for being awesome`            );            // If the return type is a database record type, like User, then            // you would return `row` directly. However if it's an indirect            // interface such as a connection or mutation payload then            // you return an object with a `data` property. You can add            // additional properties too, that can be used by other fields            // on the result type.            return {              data: row,              query: build.$$isQuery,            };          } catch (e) {            // Oh noes! If at first you don't succeed,            // destroy all evidence you ever tried.            await pgClient.query("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT graphql_mutation");            throw e;          } finally {            // Release our savepoint so it doesn't conflict with other mutations            await pgClient.query("RELEASE SAVEPOINT graphql_mutation");          }        },      },    },  };});

Note that the @pgField directive here is necessary for PostGraphile to "look ahead" and determine what to request from the database.

Working with arrays via json_array_elements

Here's an example of working with a join table, and bulk inserting multiple records from a GraphQL list.


typeDefs: gql`
  input UpdatePersonsThingsInput {
    personId: UUID!,
    thingIds: [UUID!]!
  type UpdatePersonThingsPayload {
    personThings: [PersonThing!]
  extend type Mutation {
    updatePersonsThings(input: UpdatePersonsThingsInput!): UpdatePersonsThingsPayload
resolvers: {
  Mutation: {
    updatePersonsThings: async (_query, { input: { personId, thingIds } }, { pgClient }, _resolveInfo) => {
      await pgClient.query("SAVEPOINT graphql_mutation");
      try {
        // Ensure proper formatting. This may not be necessary if not modifying the input
        const elements = JSON.stringify( => ({ thingId, personId })));

        // Bulk insert
        const { rows } = await pgClient.query(`
          INSERT INTO public.persons_things (person_id, thing_id)
          FROM json_array_elements($1::json) el
          RETURNING id
        `, [elements]);

        // Return data for next layer to use
        return { personThingIds:{ id }) => id) };
      } catch (e) {
        await pgClient.query("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT graphql_mutation");
        throw e;
      } finally {
        await pgClient.query("RELEASE SAVEPOINT graphql_mutation");
  UpdatePersonThingsPayload: {
    personThings: ({ personThingIds }, _args, _context, { graphile: { selectGraphQLResultFromTable } }) => {
      return selectGraphQLResultFromTable(
        (tableAlias, queryBuilder) => {
            sql.fragment`${tableAlias}.id = ANY (${sql.value(personThingIds)}::int[])`

Mutation Example with Node ID

In this example we'll use a GraphQL Global Object Identifier (aka Node ID) to soft-delete an entry from our app_public.items table. We're also going to check that the user performing the soft-delete is the owner of the record.

Aside: if you're interested in soft-deletes, check out @graphile-contrib/pg-omit-archived

const DeleteItemByNodeIdPlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin(build => {
  const typeDefs = gql`
    input DeleteItemInput {
      nodeId: ID!
    type DeleteItemPayload {
      success: Boolean
    extend type Mutation {
      deleteItem(input: DeleteItemInput!): DeleteItemPayload

  const resolvers = {
    Mutation: {
      deleteItem: async (_query, args, context) => {
        // jwtClaims is decrypted jwt token data
        const { pgClient, jwtClaims } = context;

        // Decode the node ID
        const { Type, identifiers } = build.getTypeAndIdentifiersFromNodeId(

        // Check it applies to our type
        if (Type !== build.getTypeByName("Item")) {
          throw new Error("Invalid nodeId for Item");

        // Assuming there's a single primary-key column, the PK will
        // be the first and only entry in identifiers.
        const itemId = identifiers[0];

        // All mutations that issue SQL must be wrapped in savepoints
        await pgClient.query("SAVEPOINT graphql_mutation");

        try {
          const { rowCount } = await pgClient.query(
            `UPDATE app_public.items SET is_archived = true
              WHERE id = $1
              AND user_id = $2;`,
            [itemId, jwtClaims.user_id]

          return {
            success: rowCount === 1,
        } catch (e) {
          await pgClient.query("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT graphql_mutation");
          throw e;
        } finally {
          await pgClient.query("RELEASE SAVEPOINT graphql_mutation");

  return {

Using the @pgQuery directive for non-root queries and better performance

If your field is not defined on the Query/Mutation type directly (i.e. it's not defined at the root level) then for performance reasons you should hook into the "look-ahead" system when adding a custom connection/list/record, rather than using a resolver. You can achieve this with the @pgQuery directive, as shown below. Alternative approaches you may wish to consider are Smart Comments and Computed Columns.

@pgQuery with an object type

NOTE: this section applies to PostGraphile v4.4.0+

When returning an object type (e.g. a table/composite type, connection, etc), the @pgQuery directive accepts the following inputs:

  • source: the source of the row(s) used in the result; can be a table name, subquery, or function call (but must always return the relevant table type and nothing more); currently this requires the boilerplate syntax below, but this may be simplified in future
  • withQueryBuilder(queryBuilder, args): this optional callback function is how you customise which rows will be returned from the source; you may add where, orderBy, limit and offset constraints. The args argument contains the arguments that the field was passed, if any. This may be useful when constructing the query constraints.

The @pgQuery directive may be used with connections, lists of table records, or individual table records. (When used with individual records you must ensure that at most one row is returned; you can do so with the queryBuilder.limit constraint.) You can see examples of these three use cases in the tests.

const { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql, embed } = require("graphile-utils");

module.exports = makeExtendSchemaPlugin(build => {
  const { pgSql: sql } = build;
  return {
    typeDefs: gql`
      extend type User {
        pets: PetsConnection @pgQuery(
          source: ${embed(sql.fragment`app_public.pets`)}
          withQueryBuilder: ${embed((queryBuilder, args) => {
              sql.fragment`${queryBuilder.getTableAlias()}.user_id = ${queryBuilder.parentQueryBuilder.getTableAlias()}.id`


  • PetsConnection is just one type from the schema, as an example
  • queryBuilder.getTableAlias() refers to the app_public.pets referenced in the source field
  • queryBuilder.parentQueryBuilder.getTableAlias() refers to the table/function/view/etc from which the User (the parent type) was retrieved
  • Regular connection arguments are added automatically thanks to the plugin system

@pgQuery with a leaf type

NOTE: this section applies to PostGraphile v4.4.6+

BUG: it seems @pgQuery only supports scalars (not enums) right now:

The @pgQuery directive can also be used with leaf fields (those returning a scalar or list thereof). To do so, we pass @pgQuery a fragment: argument. This argument can take two forms:

  1. an sql.fragment
  2. a function f(queryBuilder, args) that returns a sql.fragment. queryBuilder is a QueryBuilder instance, and args is the arguments that were passed to the GraphQL field.
const { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql, embed } = require("graphile-utils");

module.exports = makeExtendSchemaPlugin(build => {
  const { pgSql: sql } = build;
  return {
    typeDefs: gql`
      extend type User {
        nameWithSuffix(suffix: String!): String! @pgQuery(
          fragment: ${embed(
            (queryBuilder, args) =>
              sql.fragment`(${queryBuilder.getTableAlias()}.name || ' ' || ${sql.value(


  • queryBuilder.getTableAlias() refers to the table/function/view/etc from which the User (the parent type) was retrieved
  • there is no queryBuilder.parentQueryBuilder

You can see more examples of these use cases in the tests.

Plugin SQL Privileges

Plugins access the database with the same privileges as everything else - they are subject to RLS/RBAC/etc. If your user does not have privileges to perform the action your plugin is attempting to achieve then you may need to create a companion database function that is marked as SECURITY DEFINER in order to perform the action with elevated privileges; alternatively you could use this database function directly - see Custom Mutations for more details.