Graphile Starter is here!
Announced 2019-12-03 by Team Graphile
The team behind Graphile are excited to release Graphile Starter - an opinionated quick-start project for full-stack application development in React, Node.js, GraphQL and PostgreSQL. It includes the foundations of a modern web application, with a full user registration system, session management, optimized job queue, a significant amount of pre-configured tooling, tests and much more.
Graphile Starter is designed for client projects, hack days, side hustles, SaaS projects, and many other uses we haven't even thought of yet. The boilerplate for a React, GraphQL and Postgres stack is already there, just add your idea and you're ready to go.

Some of the things included with the starter, ready for you to take and extend:
Batteries included: full user system and OAuth, AntD design framework, jest and Cypress end-to-end testing, security, email templating and transport, pre-configured linting and code formatting, deployment instructions, and more
Speedy development: easy debugging, Graphile's idempotent migration system, job queue and server middleware ready to use, hot reloading; not to mention deep integration with VSCode: plugin recommendations, preconfigured settings, ESLint and Prettier integration and debugging profiles
Type safety: pre-configured type checking, strongly typed throughout with TypeScript
Best practices: React, GraphQL, PostGraphile, Node, jest and Cypress best practices
Full instructions and technical detail can be found on GitHub:
Thank you Graphile Sponsors
Graphile Starter has been a labour of love, and would not be possible without our sponsors. We have recently joined the GitHub sponsors program and that, alongside Patreon, has been invaluable in giving us paid time to work on open source projects. Take Graphile Starter, go make some money, and then give back to help support further development on both the Starter and the Graphile suite of tools.
Click here to find out more about why and how you should sponsor PostGraphile development.