Graphile News

The latest news on PostGraphile and the Graphile suite

GitHub Sponsors Now Available to Organizations

December 08, 2020

Many companies depend on open source every day, so it's crucial to invest back into that infrastructure which they have built their businesses upon. So starting today, companies can sponsor projects and developers through their existing billing with GitHub.

Graphile Migrate Reaches 1.0

November 27, 2020

Graphile Migrate 1.0 has been released; after many months of use and testing, Migrate is ready to move from 'experimental' into stable v1.0.0. There are no breaking changes in this release, there is now support for a gmrc file and a few minor fixes.

Cartoon people release red arrows up into the sky

PostGraphile Releases Version 4.10 - Framework Friends

November 27, 2020

Graphile is pleased to announce the release of PostGraphile version 4.10, an upgrade introducing better support for various Node.js webserver frameworks, an upgraded GraphiQL and GraphiQL Explorer, and improvements added by our community members.

A gallery wall of frames containing blank blue images

Benjie's story at the GitHub ReadME project

September 22, 2020

This week, Benjie was profiled by the GitHub ReadME project, a new endeavour to collect stories from open source maintainers and amplify their voices to the wider developer community.

PostGraphile Releases Version 4.8 - Excellent Enums

August 05, 2020

Graphile is pleased to announce the release of PostGraphile version 4.8.0, an upgrade recommended for all PostGraphile users, which introduces support for enum tables and geometric types.

A developer sat at a desk with a computer monitor and laptop

Graphile Team Releases pgRITA - a Tool for Postgres

July 21, 2020

pgRITA analyzes your database schema against our rules, compiling an interactive report that helps your engineers to build secure, robust and performant databases.

Graphile Starter 3.0 - Organize your Organizations!

April 27, 2020

Graphile Starter 3.0 brings with it support for organizations - including all of the behaviour you would expect such as creating and managing users, sending and accepting invites and other management controls.

Woman holding a lightbulb which contains the number 3.0

Graphile Migrate 0.1 Released

March 17, 2020

Graphile Migrate 0.1 is a big milestone for the project, with it finally leaving 0.0.x territory - That's right, it's no longer 'Highly' experimental! This release is a significant jump from the previous versions and includes many new commands, more configuration options, and a suite of new features.

Cartoon people release red arrows up into the sky