Schema Metadata: A Growing Need
June 07, 2022
Benjie gave on a virtual talk at the GraphQL Conf 2022 which highlighted the need for GraphQL schema metadata and explored some of the proposed solutions to this problem.
SpecNews - A New GraphQL Podcast from the Graphile team
June 07, 2022
Benjie and Jem are pleased to announce the release of new podcast SpecNews! A monthly round up of GraphQL Spec news in under ten minutes.
PostGraphile Now Supports GraphQL Over Server-Sent Events
April 15, 2022
PostGraphile now supports GraphQL over Server-Sent Events; a protocol which enables the user to push data to web pages in real-time.
GraphQL Working Group Discussion
December 07, 2021
Benjie appeared on a virtual panel at GraphQL Galaxy 2021, discussing the roles and aims of the GraphQL Working Group.
What's Next for the GraphQL Spec in 2022?
November 09, 2021
Benjie teamed up with Ivan from Apollo to give a virtual talk looking at the future of the GraphQL Specification at Apollo GraphQL Summit 2021.
PostGraphile Releases Version 4.12 - Awesome Aggregates
May 27, 2021
Graphile is pleased to announce the release of PostGraphile version 4.12 - a significant update bringing full support for aggregates.
PostGraphile Releases Version 4.11 - Wonderful Websockets
January 29, 2021
Graphile is pleased to announce the release of PostGraphile version 4.11, an upgrade introducing support for GraphQL websockets, extended support for 'enum tables', native GraphQL schema validation, and fixes in watch mode.
Graphile Worker 0.9 Released
January 20, 2021
Today, Graphile Worker 0.9 has been released. This version includes a new events system, a new cron functionality for regularly scheduled jobs and a new job_key_mode setting.