Major Grafast beta: three down, one to go
March 24, 2025
This release contains more than 3 months of work, and is a major step towards release readiness.
PostGraphile V5 public beta — get involved!
August 03, 2023
It’s finally here! The day has come that you can get your hands on an early release of PostGraphile Version 5; but we do have an ask: please help us to get it ready for release.
Intro to PostGraphile V5 — a new blog series!
June 22, 2023
In our new blog post series, we are beginning to lift the curtain of secrecy which has surrounded Version 5 for the past few years. Each week, Benjie will dive in to a key feature of this massive new release.
Step Aside Resolvers: a New Approach to GraphQL Execution
December 08, 2022
Benjie introduces a new, holistic approach to GraphQL Execution at GraphQL Galaxy 2022. This talk is the first public look at the ludicrously speedy, general purpose, holistic advanced planning and execution engine codenamed Grafast.

Development Support Now Available
October 20, 2022
The Graphile team are pleased to introduce a new Development Support offering, drawing on their experience as educators and leaders in the GraphQL ecosystem. Available through GitHub Sponsors, or on annual terms. Development Support is perfect for growing and established teams using PostGraphile and the wider Graphile suite of tools.
Graphile Worker 0.14 - Batch Jobs
October 11, 2022
Graphile are pleased to announce the release of Graphile Worker 0.14, which includes many new significant changes in preparation for moving towards version 1.0.
GraphQL Radio Interviews Benjie
July 14, 2022
This week, Benjie appears on the revamped GraphQL Radio podcast, discussing the early days of GraphQL and Benjie's early forays into Computer Science as a teenager.
Jem Discusses OSS Communities at the GitHub ReadME Project
July 04, 2022
This week, Jem discusses how they helped to build the community around Graphile, beginning with the early days of PostGraphile and the growing realization that users wanted an online space to gather and craft bespoke technologies together.