Default Plugins

The following plugins come bundled with graphile-build as defaultPlugins and it's recommended to use them in your schemas.


Declares Cursor, UUID, JSON and PageInfo types you can get from build.getTypeByName('Cursor') etc.


Implements some foundations for the Relay Global Object Identification Specification - adds id (or whatever you set as nodeIdFieldName) to Query and allows you to look up registered nodes by their id.


Defines the Query object and hooks GraphQLSchema to add it in. To hook this,

function MyPlugin(builder) {
    (spec, { extend }, { scope: { isRootQuery } }) => {
      if (!isRootQuery) {
        return spec;

      return extend(spec, {
        //... Add new query fields here


Defines the Mutation object and hooks GraphQLSchema to add it in. Will only be added to the Schema if a hook adds fields to it.

function MyPlugin(builder) {
    (spec, { extend }, { scope: { isRootMutation } }) => {
      if (!isRootMutation) {
        return spec;

      return extend(spec, {
        //... Add new mutation fields here


Adds a description to clientMutationId field...


Adds query to mutation payloads so that you can query any data you like after the mutation has resolved.